Rounded Corners


Fashionable again!
*Web 2.0 Whale* screenshot — ORIGINAL

Rounded Corners are a must-have again in times of Web2.0! That’s why I made a painting that consist only of Rounded Corners, the Web 2.0 Whale. View Source!!

The Rounded Corners are produced in real time by Google Groups. It looks like to speed up in-house development, they set up a Rounded Corners generator and accidently made it public. I found out about it from a post in Zach Beane’s livejournal. Modify the URL parameters to create an image of your liking. Pictures with an edge length of 10,0000 pixels are generated without problems.
                                                      |         |        |   |   |
                                                      |         |        |   |   corner:
                                                      |         |        |   |   TopLeft, TopRight,
                                                      |         |        |   |   BottomLeft, BottomRight
                                                      |         |        |   |
                                                      |         |        |   height in pixels
                                                      |         |        |
                                                      |         |        width in pixels
                                                      |         |
                                                      |         hex color code of the background
                                                      |         (RRGGBB)
                                                      hex color code of the arc (RRGGBB)

My painting’s existance now depends on the further availability of this “Web Service”.


Apparently, some time in 2007 Google has switched their rounded corners generator off. I was clever enough to make a backup of my painting, so check this out:

Web 2.0 Whale (archived)


Just checking and it looks like some of the image URLs are served again by Google. Probably totally turning off the rounded corner service was harmful to some of their products. Now the image size is limited to 64×64 pixels at most.